Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Ah McQueep, my other other child. You may actually know McQueep. His real name: Lightning McQueen. But to Harvey, he's McQueep. The love of his life. The best thing that's ever happened to him. The one toy he can't go anywhere without. And, simultaneously, the one thing he can never seem to keep up with. Oh my word.




I spend a good portion of my days keeping up with Harvey, Mary Helen and Sam while also keeping up with McQueen's whereabouts. Because if I don't, he ends up in all kinds of interesting places. If I see Harv put him somewhere secret (behind couch cushions, under some other toys, in a basket mixed with Mary Helen's toys) and I ask him where McQueen is soon after, he can go find him and bring it to me.




However, if I'm not watching and he hides him, he'll forget where he put him within five minutes and there's a four alarm fire to find him again. And guess who's on the search party? Yup, just me. I spent a good 20 minutes on my hands and knees the other day, looking behind/under furniture, going through toy boxes, searching drawers in the kitchen while Harvey whimpered and watched. Thanks for the help! I finally emailed John and told him McQueep was officially gone and we were going to have some serious issues. I decided to try one more time, and in a deep dark dusty corner, there was McQueep. Shew, dodged that bullet!

McQueep is a requirement to go anywhere. Leave the house without him, you'll be turning around to get him (happened today on the way to Target). He goes to the pool and sinks right to the bottom. He goes to bed with Harvey every time and "sleeps" on his nightstand. It's the first thing he grabs in the morning. And the last thing (get this) he kisses at night. You see, Harvey doesn't give kisses. Ever. He'll lean in and allow us to kiss him, but we've never ever seen him kiss someone/something else. John told him to give McQueen a kiss goodnight one night, and now he kisses that car all.the.time. It's a bit ridiculous.

So as you can see, McQueep is a huge part of our lives, completely deserving of his own blogpost.

And here are a few recent photos of our sweet McQueep toting toddler.



Haha, I love this face. He was so sick of me and my camera by this point. Sorry buddy, I'm never going to stop. Ever. So you might as well smile sometime. :)

New Little Harvey

New Little Harvey

One Month

One Month

Two Months

Two Months

Three Months

Three Months

Four Months

Four Months

Five Months

Five Months

Six Months

Six Months

Seven Months

Seven Months