Haiti is breaking my heart. Everytime I think about those sweet little babies, and the mamas that are just helpless over there----gosh, just breaks my heart. I am thankful our eyes have been opened to the terrible living conditions over there. Things are bad there on a normal, everyday basis. I read a story this morning abour how mothers would make mud pies and bake them just to help fill their crying children's stomachs. And this was what they were doing when things were "fine"
before the earthqueake. Makes me sick to think of all we have here, things we don't always appreciate. And, I'm really bothered by how millions of people are suffering, they have lost children, family memebers, what little they did have, and our lives here go on as normal. Nothing is different here. We're still checking out sales, thinking about the next thing we're going to buy, facebooking, throwing away leftovers. Not that I wish to be in their shoes by any means. It's just so weird how life works sometimes. Those who have so much continue to get more, and those who have almost nothing lose everything. Very sad.
Ok, let's get down to what we can be doing. Personally, I'm looking for action points, what can I be doing? There is a blog that I read everyday
Money Saving Mom . She posted today that for everyone who blogs about what they have done to help Haiti and links up to her blog, she and her husband will donate $10 to Comapssion Inernational. So I'll share what John and I have done, what we're planning to do, and something you can do to help if you're here in Nashville.
Yesterday we donated to United Nations World Food Programme for Haiti
https://www.wfp.org/donate/haiti. We also donated to the Red Cross by texting "Haiti" to 90999. They will charge $10 to your next cell phone bill, all of which goes to the Red Cross.
I know we don't all have tons of money to give. I'm sure we all have some things in our pantry, just laying around the house, or something at a store nearby that we could easily purchase to give. For those of you in Nashville, here's what you can do. There is a ministry here that works directly with Haiti, and they are collecting supplies. Here's what they need:
We need the following items:
Tylenol, Children’s Tylenol, Advil, bandages, antibiotic creams, non-perishable foods, flashlights and batteries, personal hygiene products, antibiotics, peroxide, antifungal ointment, canned meats, canned food goods, cold packs, ace bandages, thin blankets, pastas, canned milk, baby cereal, wash cloths, baby wipes, anti-bacterial gel.
I'm going after work/this weekend to gather as much of this as possible. Go to Costco, Target, go to your pantry and find some food. Target has baby blankets on sale. Do whatever you can. It really doesn't take much to help out these people that have absolutely nothing.
Once you have all you supplies, you can take them on over to: Brent Gambrell Ministries 501 Metroplex Drive, Suite 112 Nashville, Tennessee 37211. Here is their website
http://www.brentgambrell.com/ . Or, you can bring them to me or John and we'll take them over there. I'm not leaving you with many excuses now. :)
If you have a blog, write about what you're doing to help, challenege others to help, and then head on over to
Money Saving Mom and link your post by January 21 for another $10 donation. Pretty simple stuff!
If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered. Proverbs 21:13
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.' ... 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'