Monday, October 17, 2011

Charlie Two Months

Hard to believe our little guy is two months old today.

So here are some photos from his big two month shoot. :)



You can never have too many photos of your children mostly naked wearing ridiculous hats. Never.

See? He is awake sometimes. I feel like most of his photos are of him sleeping. And looking to the right. But that's another issue entirely.

Diptych 2
Month one to month two. Chunkin' up!

And some outtakes:

Oh, well would you wook at dat! I'm is 2 months old aweady! Time sure is goin' fast...........

Nope, I'ms not gonna cwy about it.........I'm not.

Ok, maybe I'm is gonna cwy about it! Why I has to grow up so fast? Is so sad!!

Some two month updates:

* I weighed him at home the other day: 14.2 pounds. He's pretty much doubled his birthweight now (unofficially). And with the way he's continuing to eat, I think he wants to quadruple his weight by his 4 month weigh in.

*He still eats every 2 1/2 hours- 3 hours around the clock. Sometimes at night he will "accidentally" sleep for 4 hours. After that, he wants the next two bottles every 2 hours. It's getting a bit ridiculous around here folks.

*We're working on sleep training, trying to get us all ready to go back to work. So far the day time naps are going well. The night time when we attempt to not feed him and get to him skip one of the 3(!) feedings he's wanting (clearly out of habit, not necessity)-----that's not going so well. He's quite set in his old man ways.

*Just this week he's started to go to bed around 7:30-8:00pm and sleeping until 7:30-8:00am. But, he's waking up around 10:00pm, 2:00am, 4:00am, and finally 7 or 7:30 to eat. Fortunately, he's all business---bottle, diaper and back to bed. A few times he's been wide awake, but he'll at least go back to bed and chat to himself (sometimes for well over an hour) until he can fall asleep on his own.

*Sizes: Clothes: Mostly 6 months, but I can shove him into a few 3 month outfits.
Diapers: Size 3 (we just went ahead and skipped the size 2s).
We'll have his "official" length and weight on Wednesday.

*He's such a good baby, really. Super laid back, and as long as you keep him fed and keep his diaper clean, he's content to do whatever. We're so blessed to have him in our family.

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New Little Harvey

New Little Harvey

One Month

One Month

Two Months

Two Months

Three Months

Three Months

Four Months

Four Months

Five Months

Five Months

Six Months

Six Months

Seven Months

Seven Months