Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Harv *Almost* Three

What in the world is happening to my children? Why are they growing so ding dang fast? Everyone says it goes so fast, and on really looong tantrum filled days, I think they're all so darn full of it. But then when you look back at baby photos, and look across the room at your huge almost-three-year-old, you realize "they" are so right (just this time).

I finally have a few photos that I either bribed him to allow me to take, or just snuck a few photos out of him. He never wants to have his picture taken these days. "NO take a pishure!" every time he sees the camera, or even our phones turned a certain way. He tries to be so independent and so strong willed, yet he wants his "bwanket", wants mommy and/or daddy to snuggle every night, he sucks his thumb like a crazy person. Ah, three year old madness.

Here are some recent photos of The Harv.





A boy, his blanket, and his thumb. What more could he need?

Well, he obviously also needs cowboy boots.

And time-out, for those days when he's getting really crazy.

Sweet, sweet brotherly love.



And some train tracks. Little buddy is obsessed with trains, train tracks, train videos on the computer (not even kidding, just boring videos shot by people's cell phones that they've posted online. John has endured many hours watching/enjoying those videos with him!).


Big Harv loves, loves, loves time with daddy. He's always so super excited to get home to "Go see daddy!". Melts my little Grinch heart every time. I love all my boys.

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New Little Harvey

New Little Harvey

One Month

One Month

Two Months

Two Months

Three Months

Three Months

Four Months

Four Months

Five Months

Five Months

Six Months

Six Months

Seven Months

Seven Months