Since I'm currently being lazy every night (after I work a full day, come home and make dinner, clean up, help wrastle our wild animal into bed, spend time with John, and then get ready to do it all again the next day---oh so lazy), I've been neglecting my editing and blogging duties. Such a slacker. So, while I don't have any new photos to share, I do have some random stories and updates to share.
--Harvey is all grown up----no more bottles. We did away with them almost completetly by his first birthday, but we've been giving him one before bed a couple nights a week since then. He can't be bothered with them any longer. When we get in his chair at night, it's all about his "Doag Doag" book. He LOVES his dog book. So darn precious.
--It feels like a sweaty armpit outside right now. So hot and humid. Nice visual, eh?
--Harv is experiencing a little seperation anxiety right now. He's always been our independent first born, but he's turned a corner this past week. Last Sunday he had to have a "special friend" to hangout with him in the hallway while he was in the church nursery. Normally he loves nursery social time, hanging out with his homies, but he decided he wanted nothing to do with it last Sunday. Bad week to decide he was freaked out by other children because we left him for over 2 1/2 hours.
Then I took him to the mall to play the other day when he melted down. There were lots of little people that day, and he loved it at first. Crawling after all the bigger boys, trying to convince them he was big too. He seriously copied everything this one group of boys did. Then, he just sat still for a few minutes, threw his hands up in the air, and just started sobbing. It was one of the more pitiful things I've seen lately. I walked over to him and he didn't see me because he was looking at the floor. When he heard my voice he looked up and threw his hands up for me to pick him up. So relieved mom didn't leave afterall! From then on he was nervous when I would try to put him down to play, so I enjoyed a little snuggle time. Snuggle time is a very rare occurance these days, so I'll take it how I can get it. Even if I have to scare him myself every now and then, I'll do it.
--Harvey fell down the stairs today and hit his head. Man, that sounds like a really exciting story, don't you think? The other details that I left out are that it was actually two carpeted steps and he literally hit his head on a teddy bear. What the heck are the odds of a teddy bear being right there? But don't worry, he still cried and held his head like he fell down a whole flight of stairs. We were at Davis Kidd after story time and there were lots of other people there for him to put on a show for. He stayed snuggled up in my lap for awhile after that as well. Again, I'll take it how I can get it. If hitting his head on a teddy bear makes him want to snuggle, fine by me. I can't wait to tell his first girlfriend how tough he was when he was little.
--I'm really enjoying all the practice I'm getting with my photography. Learning some photoshop tricks has helped as well. I've learned a whole lot lately and I have a lot of things I'm looking forward to putting into practice soon. I have a couple more shoots planned in the next couple of weeks, and I'm pretty pumped about those. If you need some photos taken, let me know!