We discovered something quite helpful last night. We got the video camera out last night for the first time in awhile. Now, although he has not been on video in awhile, this child knows what to do in front of the camera. It may have something to do with his over zealous mother who takes photos of him every single day, but who really knows. Anyway, John starts to video him at dinner. I give Harvey his sippy cup so John can capture him going all WWF on it---throwing it, slamming it down on his tray, banging it between his chair and the table. You get the picture. So what does he do? He picks it up and drinks from it! He almost NEVER drinks from his sippy cup. And when he is being calm with it, he is sucking on the bottom of it. Then, after dinner it's bath and bed. Not a favorite time of the day for Harv. So I'm playing with him out in the hall trying to get his clothes off. Normally, a tantrum ensues. He sees the camera, and is completely calm. Then, I realize he has a nasty diaper that I need to change on the changing table before bath. John walks away with the camera and I lay him down on the table. He immediately starts arching his back, digging in his heels, and screaming. John comes around the corner with the camera, Harvey sees him and relaxes and sucks his thumb while I finish up. What the heck? We've talked about keeping that thing in our back pocket at night while we're getting him ready for bed. Its a Festivus miracle I tell you!
I figure there hasn't been enough mortifying information on here lately, so bring on the bath photos!!
And this is what a mere $61 can get you at a consignment sale here in Nashville:
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