Friday, December 18, 2009

A Little of This and A Little of That

Whew, I've taken so many photos this week, Harvey probably wouldn't recognize my face if I didn't have the camera in front of it. Trying to strike a balance between learning how to get a good photo, capturing sweet memories, and just living in the moment. But until then, look out Harvey, I've learned how to shoot in rapid succession! I'll never miss a single moment of your life!

So I'm thinking this teething thing is getting a little out of hand. He's currently cutting his second tooth (yup, number 2 of like 75---going to be a long road my friends), and he is certainly letting us know all about it. Wednesday night/ Thursday morning he woke up every hour crying. We just left him in his bed and he would eventually go back to sleep. At 4:45am he decided enough was enough, and he cried for 30 minutes straight. Finally I decided he won, and he was so worked up and upset, we brought him to our bed. Harvey suddenly forgot about all the "pain" he was in and started rejoicing in his victory over sleep. John and I are both laying there, in the dark, trying to sleep. Meanwhile, Harv is between us, flapping his arms wildly, slapping me in the face repeatedly, kicking his legs as fast as he can, running the Music City Half Marathon in bed, panting like a dog. I thought he was going to take flight any second. John decided to go ahead and get up and get ready. I was not willing to give up my quest for 5 more minutes of sleep. Yup, that will get you through the day for sure. So I laid there and took a beating until he finally accidently dropped off to sleep (smiling, of course) right when my alarm went off. Awesome. So I took him to his bed where he slept for another hour, and I did not. Last night he got some Motrin before bed and slept much better. He did get up to eat TWO times last night, but what can you do? You gotta eat if you want to keep those cankles nice and round!

Here are some random photos from this week.

Here's Puff Daddy (Puffy, P Diddy, Diddy, D, whatever you want to call him) chowing down on some fruit puffs.

Must have found a bitter one. :)

You can never have too many bath time/nudey/bribery photos. Never.

Daaaad, she's evewy wherwe wif dat fing!!

Here's how Harv spends his days with Mary Helen.
Boy loves him a good lovie, even if it's pink.

Yup, he basically spends his days chewing on all her stuff. Pretty sweet gig.

And eating, of course. He does plenty of that everyday as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so many GREAT photos! - Ashley


New Little Harvey

New Little Harvey

One Month

One Month

Two Months

Two Months

Three Months

Three Months

Four Months

Four Months

Five Months

Five Months

Six Months

Six Months

Seven Months

Seven Months