Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mean Mom.......and Other News

I like to come up with new photo ideas. I feel like we have a zillion photos of Harvey doing all kinds of things, and I try to come up with new moments to capture. You can never have too many photos of your child you know. So I decided to take my camera in with me when I woke Harvey up from nap last week.

Mom, I don't fink my eyes are weady to get up yet.

This was the nap he took after we came home from Dave and Ali's---after one year photos---on the same day as his shots. No wonder he was so darn tired! And, can you believe how brave I was to take his one year photos right after his shots? Gosh, so brave. And humble.

His one year stats:

Weight: 25 pounds 1 ounce (he lost a little weight. Shocking!)

Height: 32 1/2 inches. He outgrew the baby measuring tape, so next time he has to stand up to check his height. And, if he keeps growing like he has so far, he's on pace to be 6' 2" or 3". His height is just off the chart for his weight/age.

Head: Ummmm, biggish normal. I don't have the papers in front of me, so I can't remember exactly. I know it's in the 80th percentile, so nothing too crazy big or freakishly small. It's right on track for his height.

Some other updates:

He's a big time chatter box. He obviously says "dada" and "mama". Within the last couple of weeks he's added "tees" (trees), "shuz" (shoes), and my favorite, "doag doag" (obviously, dog dog). Doag doag is the only one he uses correctly and unprompted. Everything else is prompted and/or thrown in for extra emphasis in the middle of "lasksafncxzf shuz slkrrklblbbbllas tees bubbalaj".

He loves his Thomas the Train and Four Wheeler walk-n-ride toys he got for his birthday. I swear, the Thomas theme song may just be the theme song for our family.

He just started pulling up a couple weeks ago, and he's already trying to climb on everything. The day after I saw him pull up for the first time, he was still all wobbly, but pulling his leg up like he was going to climb. And now he's having all kinds of success. Yesterday he climbed up onto MH's walk-n-ride toy and onto a chair. I caught him as the toy was about to fly out from under him. He's definitely not afraid of much, and he has the bruises to prove it. A little fear isn't such a bad thing there buddy.

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New Little Harvey

New Little Harvey

One Month

One Month

Two Months

Two Months

Three Months

Three Months

Four Months

Four Months

Five Months

Five Months

Six Months

Six Months

Seven Months

Seven Months