Sunday, November 9, 2008

Billy & Elton

Yesterday, my buddy Steve mentioned that he heard Billy Joel and Elton John were going on tour again next year. After nearly falling out of my chair and choking on my salad, I realized that he wasn't kidding, and it wasn't some sort of completely uncool joke.

Apparently it's really happening, although dates don't seem to be available yet. A September 2008 interview in GQ Magazine quotes Elton as saying, "I'm going on the road again with Billy Joel again next year."

Personally, I'm a Billy Joel-freak. There's no other way to describe it.

I'm currently reading Billy Joel: The Biography, by Mark Bego. That, coupled with an intense desire to take my bride to see the man in concert for the first time, has me responding to this news like a 3-year-old girl on Christmas morning.

If you (somehow) don't find yourself a fan of either of these masters, at least enjoy this video.

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New Little Harvey

New Little Harvey

One Month

One Month

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