Saturday, June 6, 2009

One is Fun

That's right folks, Harvey is a whole month old today.  This has been quite a month of transition for all of us.  John and I are adjusting everyday to having a new person around, someone that we are completely responsible for.  Someone that has random meltdowns any time of the day or night.  But let's face it, Harvey has had the most interesting transition time!  

As hard as having a new baby has been at times, ultimately he is one of the best things that has ever happened to either of us.  Last night (aka early this morning) I was up rocking Harvey in his room and praying over him.   During that time I really realized what a huge blessing Harvey is.  The Lord has chosen and entrusted John and I with this sweet little life.  He is allowing us to be His hands and feet in Harvey's life.  To teach him to love the Lord, how to love other people, how to be a man, how to someday love your wife and family.  It's a huge responsibility, and it's wonderful to know He has not left us alone to figure this out.  Even though there are moments/hours/days that are tough, Harvey is such a tremendous blessing.  We are so lucky to have him in our lives, to have a chance to get to know him, to share in all his many firsts, to see life in a new way through his eyes.  So here's to one of many firsts---his first month of life. We're so glad to know you little guy!  

Here are some more pictures we took this morning.  Some are quite entertaining!

Showing obvious concern about what we have going on here.......

Hey ladies!

1 comment:

Brooke said...

These pictures are awesome! Clearly, Harvey is not screaming here...he must have had a short break in the action :) Thanks for calling today, it was great to hear from you!!


New Little Harvey

New Little Harvey

One Month

One Month

Two Months

Two Months

Three Months

Three Months

Four Months

Four Months

Five Months

Five Months

Six Months

Six Months

Seven Months

Seven Months